Thursday, 15 September 2011

WIP Pagan Blanket

Nearly finished a pagan inspired blanket. Just the edging to complete. I'm also thinking of outlining the colour work, not made my mind up yet.
I've used quite a few freely available charts, which I'll link to once I upload the finished blanket.
There's a couple of squares I've designed myself (the seasons). I'll upload the finished charts ASAP!

I think it's safe to say that the blanket has Ginges approval...

Once it's done I'll note down as many points as possible, as a lot of the stitches were chosen for specific reasons & of course link to where I found the charts etc.


  1. That is awesome. I can see why the kitty loves it.

  2. Thanks:)
    Gingey can't seem to keep his paws off, not that he hasn't got enough blankets of his own!
