Now that's the sort of graffiti I'd very happily have on any of my walls! (Via HERE)

What is your favourite book? "Alice In Wonderland" as life always seems so much more simpler after reading it.
What would be your fancy dress costume of choice? Probably a fairy tale character.
What is your guiltiest pleasure? Watching Eastenders....shhhhh!
What do you owe your parents? Independence & individuality from my Mum & stubbornness from my father
To whom would you most like to say sorry, and why? My Gran, for not visiting more before she passed away
Who would you invite to your dream dinner party? Marilyn Monroe, Stephen Fry, Henry Rollins & Jim Morrison.
I don't know if you can see it very well in the photo , but I came up with the idea of having a spiral going over a cairn, to represent energy. Like a Cone of Power.
I went down to the workshop & spiralled a very long, thick piece of metal rod. As I carried it back to the classroom & though, "hey, this would be awesome hanging up, upside down!"
So I went with that. Thinking what a spiral of energy coming from above could represent I thought "Drawing Down The Moon"!
I was on a roll! I wrapped the metal rod with thinner wire & beading wire & some beads to represent energy I thought well there are 8 moons in a a cycle (full, waning, waxing etc etc) & I decided to add 8 crocheted covered stones to represent the moon, using silver thread to show lunar power grounding. A bit new age-y I know.....
& this was the outcome!
(There's a small stone, wire play piece in the background)
If I had, had more time I would of liked it to have turned & placed somewhere, where the viewer could stand underneath it....
Ginge is doing much better. Thanks to everyone who asked after him & sent their love.
There's nothing left to see of the abscess, only a bald spot. His fur is starting to grow back, but his face still looks a little uneven, not that it's effected his cockiness & pride!
As you can see he's still loving the camera....look at him trying to act like he doesn't know he's having his picture taken....I see those eyes! LOL!
Now uni is done for the year, hopefully I'll be a bit more active & you'll see me here a bit more.....well only if I survive Christmas shopping *shudder*